At the recent meeting of September 2005 it was brought to the attention of the membership the problems we are having with newer employees making illegal seniority moves.  One of the things we have to remember is that all moves by employees are monitored by the Local Chairman and their assistants.  This takes up much of their time that could be used else where such as getting claims paid, preparation for investigations, and meetings with local officials to keep things running smoothly between management and labor. 

Each New Hire employee was issued a CD with all our agreements  as well as a packet with the agreements covering a multitude of things including seniority moves.  If there is a question about a seniority move please feel free to ask someone if you can make this move before doing so. One thing you must remember a crew caller is not the person to ask, as they are just that "crew callers" not an authority on seniority moves.  An error that "The computer let me do it" might take an hour to straighten out as well as costing another member monetary losses.  To make an illegal seniority move in essence can cause problems for not only the person making the move but for all employees below that employee. A "bump" used illegally can be compared to a small rock starting a major landslide. Seniority moves illegally made can actually take a day to make right for all employees involved. As most of us know this can happen and when it effects you and your family personally by monetary losses it is not an appreciated situation.

Thanks for your co-operation in this matter.....



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Last modified: Thursday August 14, 2008